We're always open for people to help us with WCFB's work. Most of our activity involves driving to collect furniture items and store them in our unit, and also collecting them from the unit and delivering them. That side of things is fairly "physical".

We can also use help in cataloguing what we have and some of what we handle may need cleaning or even repairing before we pass it on.


Moving Furniture


If you're reasonably fit, we can always use more help with moving, storing and delivering furniture items. This can involve some fairly heavy lifting.

If you have access to a van or trailer, even better! Much of our transport needs are currently met with help from our partners, but our long-term aim is to have our own transport and a sizeable team to assist with collections and deliveries.



We will accept Curtains, towels and bedding, and have recently started collecting baby and infant clothing. This always needs sorting and cataloguing and may need cleaning before we pass it on.

This is not a major part of our work as yet, but if you think you can help, we'd love to hear from you.




We don't collect or store items that are not serviceable or in really poor condition, but there are times when things need a minor repair, or perhaps just strengthening.

If you are "handy", therefore, you could really help in this area of our work so that we can ensure that whatever we pass on to people in need really is "fit for purpose".


We are not a large organisation and try to keep paperwork to a necessary minimum. Some is inevitable, however, as we need to document and catalog items that are collected, as well as assessing and recording the needs of clients referred to WCFB. One of our aims is that much of that work will eventually be done electronically.

If, for example, you have a modicum of IT skills and access to a digital camera, you could help us catalog and photograph incoming items and help to allocate items once clients' needs are known.


Joining WCFB

West Coast Furniture Bank is a registered charity (SCIO: SC049372). Although we have a formal structure (Officers, Trustees etc), much of our day-to-day activity is conducted by volunteers on a more informal basis.

If you would be interested in joining us, please simply register on this site using the contact form below and someone will be in touch soon.

We will be delighted to hear from you and welcome you to our ranks!